...a place to bury thoughts

Twist that dagger

January 10, 2009 @ 07:01 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link


So tired. So very tiredโ€ฆ Anyway, I no longer work for the Studio as a FT employee. We were all (haha) retroactively terminated as of Dec. 31. Wicked. We were paid, but only after we signed a waiver releasing the powers that be of any further financial claims. Duress anyone? There are still outstanding projects the powers that be want to get money from, so they changed us all to โ€˜contractโ€™ employees for the remaining time it takes to finish the work. So maybe 5-6 people will get a few more weeks work. The only carrot left dangling now is if the contract we have for another game, which will be sorted out later in the month. There are a few parties interested in buying the Studio, but Iโ€™m not sure who is going to be around and want to continue this farce. I need to give some thought as to what I want to do.

Ended up going out with a few co-workers to a Karaoke bar last night. Job aside, Iโ€™m going to miss my co-workers. Working on long creative stressful projects together weโ€™ve formed strong friendships. I lost much more than income yesterday.

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