...a place to bury thoughts

Turkey Time

October 13, 2008 @ 11:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Family, JP and Sibling

Photo doesnโ€™t do justice how neat this scene was

Photo doesnโ€™t do justice how neat this scene was

We decided to have Thanksgiving dinner here in Bolton. My parents, sister, brother in law and their dogs came over yesterday. My mother did all the cooking (thanks Mom!) and dinner was very good. We enjoyed turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and various veg. For dessert there was pumpkin and apple pieโ€ฆ pretty traditional stuff. After dinner the โ€˜womenโ€™ watched Desperate Housewives and the โ€˜menโ€™ watched football downstairs. It was good to see everyone. We had a very small visitor of a mouse just as JP was leaving. B. took him over to the soccer field. Isnโ€™t she nice?

Today was pretty low key. We walked the dog with Kelly at the โ€˜Fairgroundsโ€™. My Gawd was it hot? Indian Summer? It was 28 outside! Afterwards we went to a few apple orchards looking for some fruit wood for the fireplace. Both orchards were very busy and had wood but wanted us to come back later in the week. I spent a good part of the morning setting up the VCR to tape the Sabres game this afternoon. Go Sabres! Around 6 we decided to go for a hike in Albion Hills. It was quite nice, too bad, our โ€˜in seasonโ€™ dog couldnโ€™t join us.

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