...a place to bury thoughts

Ciao Edie??

March 18, 2024 @ 12:03 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Pets, Gaming, WoW, Schitt's Creek, War on Ukraine

From the Cult's Edie (Ciao Baby)

From the Cult's Edie (Ciao Baby)

Well...we've decided to take the first step to get another Vizsla. We are fortunate to know an exceptional breeder that has an incredible program to prepare her pups for wonderful lives. It is a rare opportunity and Mystic is still young enough to benefit from another dog to chew on. So... we'll see what happens. More information will arise as it becomes available. The dog's name would be Edie.

Ahh! My old stomping ground!

Ahh! My old stomping ground!

I'm sure if you pour through some of my older blog entries, I've made reference to a free MMORPG I've played off and on called Ascension. It is a custom mod of World of Warcraft. For years I've been trying to get it to work in Linux, as I've given up on Windows. (I've sunk hours and hours into this endeavor) Periodically, I check if there is any update on how to install the game. And praise Allah! today there was a new install script available for Linux users! Just download the install.sh, chmod it to execute and run it. And OMG it works! Getting the base app to run was never the issue. It was always the dependencies and other support files that I've never been able to install correctly... UNTIL TODAY. So I get to enjoy some old school MMORPG in my current setup. It is a big nerdgasm. ๐Ÿ˜› There is just something about old school Wow that I really enjoy...

We are watching the final season of $chitt's Creek. The series I still can't believe is Canadian, because it is actually really good.

It is pretty remarkable that Tr*mp's own former Vice President Pence has gone on the record to NOT endorse him for the next election ON FOX. I mean that has to say something...Days in the sun are running out Donnie...He said "there are profound differences between me and President Tr*mp on a range of issues..." For what it's worth, Nikki Haley (his GOP opposition candidate)also refused to endorse him. *snort*

Oh Yeah! in SHOCKING NEWS P*t*n won the Russian election! He is loved by his people! He got 88% of the vote! RIGHT! WOW! *cough* SMH. ๐Ÿ™„ Ha, apparently 8% of the population voted. 8%! Now he can focus on helping the Republicans!

I love that the Ukrainians are targeting Russian infrastructure now. Hitting them in the pocket book. Drones hitting oil refineries, airports and of course military targets. Not schools, apartment buildings and hospitals like the Russians.

LOL! Lock him up!

LOL! Lock him up!

More Tr*mp LOL. He can't find an insurer to guarantee his half billion dollar bond to pay off the New York judgment. So, the courts may be seizing his assets... LOL!! Donnie SAD!

Our cats get active when they get hungry. They seek attention in any way possible. Often in unwanted ways. Especially the boy. There was a glorious time when we slept with our bedroom door open at night. We had to close it because he would come into the room in the early morning and start biting our lampshades and scratching and being a huge pain in the ass. So we closed the door. Now he meows outside of the door and lunges and rattles the doorknob. He still creates quite a spectacle. Well... today...he managed to open the door. Maybe it wasn't fully shut or maybe the cat just figured out how to open doors. Oh gawd. I think our world just changed.

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