honey, can you get the door?
Spent some time watching one of my Christmas gifts… The Two Towers Extended Version… I must say I enjoyed this version much more. In the extra time… the relationships between the characters are broadened and the plot is much easier to follow. I’m eagerly awaiting the extended version of The Return of the King… which I thought was lacking a lot of content. The extra cds – which crammed full of behind-the-scenes stuff – are remarkable. The extent the crew when to create the ‘realm’ is simply unbelievable. The sets, buildings, clothing, weapons, make-up, dialogue etc. etc. was all researched to maintain authenticity to Tolkien’s vision of Middle Earth. I hope this is evident at Oscar time!
And once again Ethnograph is giving me balls. It always does. I think it is awful software; gawd.
Just listening to the Sabres (who are winning ATM) *phew* I love streaming audio… SHIT! Just as I type the Thrashers tie the game sigh. I have a horrible Internet addiction.
Picture this! Say cheese?
In case you didn’t notice, hehehe… I’ve changed around the d-cam page a bit. Now it focuses more on individual pics instead of just sets… This *should* promote more updates. 😉 Picsets are too time consuming to do… Now I can just toss up a single pic anytime. I’ve also added a basic comment form… I’m curious to hear from other digital photographers out there. 🙂 Enjoy.
Update: D-cam is gonzo. There is a pics page now.
Mutterings ~ Week 50.2
Berry:: Berry good (Thanx to Zana)
Fiendish:: Devil
Bar:: Get me another drink
Frank:: Black
Bend:: It Like Beckham
Fanatic:: -al devotion to the…OoooOOoo (Python)
Belch:: Coke
Flagrant:: Fowl
Burden:: of Evidence
Flimsy:: Excuse
I should be sleeping… Damn LOTR:TT Extended…