...a place to bury thoughts

Tonight is the night.

June 7, 2004 @ 06:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

hockey, www

72 F – 75 F

72 F – 75 F

Well… it has come to game 7 in the finals much like it did when I was young playing road hockey with the boyZ… only now, tonight’s winner really does walk away with Lord Stanley’s cup! It should be an awesome game, I expect both teams will empty their tanks… I heard Fraser might be ref’ing this game. Egads. I hope this isn’t true… Anyway GO FLAMES GO! GO FLAMES GO! GO FLAMES GO!

Sunday, June 06, 2004
It’s Monday again; so let’s have some fun!

1. In your opinion, what is the perfect temperature?
72 F – 75 F any more and blah…

2. If you have a garden, what do you plant in it? If not, what would you plant in it?
Various colourful plants…I like lots of rocks

3. What is your favorite summertime beverage?
Rum and Coke… Corona… maybe a Sleeman Honey Brown.

4. How many times a year do you rearrange your living room?

5. How fast do you drive in a ’55 mile-an-hour’ zone?
Well…if that converts to 100kph then it varies… 110-130, depends on my mood and traffic.

6. How many minutes per day do you usually talk on the phone?
As few as possible. I hate the phone.

7. What is your favorite software program?
There are many I like…Photoshop, Dreamweaver, FTP and of course all those RP games… mmm…

8. How many music cd’s do you own?
Hmm. about 300.

9. How many memes do you participate in on a regular basis?
3 or 4, looking for more, they are fun.

10. Name 3 blogs that you have on your ‘blogroll’ list. (any 3.)
burningpaper, lunanina, gofish, urban scrawl, transplanted seed… there are a few…

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