...a place to bury thoughts

Thumping good time!

May 31, 2003 @ 11:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

friends, sports, KK and Sandra, work

The end is near

The end is near

Heh, it figures the one Jay’s game I’d go to would be a 13-2 thumping! Home runs, hits and double plays.. ok maybe baseball isn’t that bad to watch. Beer helps too. Ahem. A really great night out in the big T.O.. It started with a delicious dinner at the Red Tomato, naturally I had to have the dish entitled the Spicy Evil Prince. Boy was it good! We both enjoyed the Red Tomato, I think we’ll be returning. A varied and excited menu ‘fer sure!

After the game we met up with some of B.’s friends (Trish and DAN THE MAN!) (and Vek and Sand as well) and had a few drinks and some very yummy food at a Al Friscos close to Skydome. In spite of being really tired, it was a great evening…

I expect tonight will be equally enjoyable. B. and I are off to see the Lion King! details to follow.

Go Jays?

Well… off to see a Jays game this eve as part of the SARS Toronto Entertainment package. (Tomorrow is dinner and Lion King!) Admittedly I’m NOT a baseball fan. It IS boring to watch. But… the company (Vek, Sand and, of course B.) should make it fun. If it sucks we’ll simply move onto something else… heh. It is a little cooler than I expected… Ho-hum.

I’m really enjoying reading some of the referrers I’m getting, they really can be interesting. heh. I forgot I had added those Butthole Surfer lyrics to the footer… google must have indexed them… which you ask? ‘If you see your mother tell her something for me, tell her, SATAN! SATAN! SATAN!…’

Finally got my separation papers. The end is near. The finality of it had me freaked out yesterday. I do see it as a bit of a failure. I know it is best for her and I and it could never work but… I’ll miss the home I helped create and the cat she is keeping. I’m undecided about the role my ex will play in my future. She wants to remain friends. We will have to see. I’m not making any decisions on that yet. But I do want to sever all the ties in case I decide not to have anything to do with her. Undecided.

This will allow me to pay off my car and most of my debts. (And a little shopping because I freaking deserve it) Then I can start to save for my own place. I really don’t want to rent… Hopefully something will click at Brock and I will be able to afford to get my own place, hopefully before my current contract ends. La dee dah.

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