...a place to bury thoughts


June 3, 2007 @ 08:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Toronto FC, Sports



Two buddies and I went to a Toronto FC MLS match yesterday. I’ve always enjoyed watching soccer and I played for many season when I was younger. I’ve never been to a professional soccer match so I didn’t really know what to expect. It ended up being a lot of fun. First off… the view from section 222 was amazing… you could see the entire Toronto skyline and the Lake… the section also had an overhang so were blessed with shade the entire game. (This is significant for geeks who normal suffer 3rd degree burns from being in the sun for more than 30 minutes) The crowd was intense. I’ve seen footage of from Europe of the crowds that appear to be bouncing… certain sections of the crowd were certainly doing that. The chanting and songs were on and off most of the game. There was rarely more than 15 minutes without another chant. Props to the home section by the corner kick. They area of the crowd was so fun to watch. They were all in unison with chants and waving all game long. TFC ended up holding on to a one goal win. Late in the game a TFC player was ejected with a red card… I’m still wondering ‘for what?!’ I would definitely go to another game. I was hoping to score a TFC scarf was ‘you couldn’t get one in the building’. Holy marketing blunder. The scarves were clearly the in-demand item that no one could get.

Most of the evening was spent doing laundry and sorting out some things for Ireland. One more night to go…

I only have photos of the TFC match on my camera and I have no bluetooth… so I’ll post a photo later.

Digging the Hives.

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