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A taste of Christmas

December 12, 2021 @ 09:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

PWHL, Family, Insomnia, APTBT

The Rental at night

The Rental at night

December has been an odd month. Indicators of climate change appear to be everywhere. Winter tornados, Western flooding, unprecedented winds in Ontario… not to mention the green lawn and double digit temps. It is typical of species that has selfishly neglected the Earth to have such a lackadaisical response to save it. I find it shocking. We don’t have a second option for a home. Clearly dollars into infrastructure is going to be important in the forthcoming years. Additionally, viruses continue to rage… the new variant, omnicron will set opening up by another few months (at least?).

Had a nice post-birthday breakfast with Mo and Ryan. It was a rare outing to chat about politics and hopefully getting back to ball hockey. It also seems like it is a ways off.

Some foggy drives

Some foggy drives

We ventured North to Killaloe for a pre-Christmas visit to Bdot’s mom. Sadly Mystic stayed in Aurora with her dog-cousin. It was a weird weekend. We rented am AirBandB and it was a lovely place BUT there was no heat for most of one evening and no power the other so… Weird? The owner refunded most of the cost – which I thought was too generous but. We had a few brief visits with Jessica in between dinners and presents. Most of the time was at the house. It doesn’t really accommodate a lot of people comfortably in the same room, so there was a lot of room rotating all weekend. Bdot’s sister made a delicious Spiral Ham. It was a fun weekend in spite of the irregularities. Was a lot of driving. Took a different route which was very pretty but wow, Elephant road at night is a trip…

I’ve browser jumped to Vivaldi. I’ve been using it for about three weeks and so far I like it. It is going to stick around into the foreseeable future.

When we got home, wind had taken another limb off the major tree on the front lawn. I do fear one day it is going down completely. Sigh.

Sabres area backing to Sabring. Last win was in November. UGH.


Mystic got her fancy Sporting Detection Dog SD-S-SP title in the mail. Not bad for such a bad dog.

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