...a place to bury thoughts

Talking loud and saying nothing 🎶

April 22, 2004 @ 10:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, relationship

Talking loud and saying nothing 🎶

Talking loud and saying nothing 🎶

Everyone has a different “agenda” when it comes to finding that significant other in their life. (I don’t really like the word “agenda” but… it will fit for now…) People emphasize and look for different traits. Sometimes you think your mate has theses traits… but over time you sadly may discover they don’t. Which in some situations may be OK. But quite likely it means the end of your relationship. I was in a long relationship prior to the one I’m in now… and while she often said she loved me… near the end of the relationship, I didn’t feel very loved… and I certainly didn’t feel loved by some of her family.

For me… that was my “agenda”. I just wanted someone to love me….fully completely, faults and all, successes, failures, ups and downs, rights and wrongs. At the end of that long relationship it was clear to me my ‘agenda’ wasn’t ever going to come to fruition. Her agenda likely wasn’t either. Maybe people do change during a relationship. Or, maybe people just don’t know the real you. I found it amazing that after my past relationship ended and I was talking to my ex… how may time she said “that is so not you” when I spoke of my new relationship. How could it not be me? Yes… people are on their “best” behaviour at the start of relationship when they are trying to impress each other… but to say it wasn’t me? Who else would it be? 😛 Where is this going? Well… you see, I believe I have found someone who loves me… for me. My good days and my many bad ones. The only thing I hope for however, is that I’m coming close to meeting her “agenda”. I feel it would be tragic if I wasn’t.

Ironically… as I was browsing for code today I came across this entertaining little love matcher… For S&G I modified the code so you can play with it. My full name matches Bdots for a score of 99/100. Heh. Joy! Play here.

Updated: Love link is gone.

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