...a place to bury thoughts

Superman never made any money…

June 28, 2006 @ 09:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Food, Superman Returns

S is back

S is back

It’s a bird…It’s a plane…No…it’s another Summer blockbuster movie. I saw Superman Returns last night with my co-workers. First we stopped for wings at the Wingporium… 50 flavours of wings. They were good…I had Hot Honey Garlic. Yum! Back to the movie. Maybe my expectations have been raised over the years but I thought SR was good, not great and far from Super, man. I thought Spacey was great as Lex. The movie just lacked something, and it was real long…and it felt like it. I recall leaving the theatre before at the end of a movie praying it would continue another half hour or so… I was pretty happy to get out of SR. It was pretty solid and entertaining but not innovative or challenging in any way… You pretty much get Sups flying around saving the world. The movie offered many interesting questions but didn’t answer them. It’s a pretty typical summer action flick… I’ve seen some reviewers give it five stars… they much have been seeing stars. It hardly warrants that…to me five stars is a classic film. ⭐⭐⭐½

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