...a place to bury thoughts

Only 24 hours in a day? That sucks

May 28, 2007 @ 08:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

friends, work, Captain and Jenn

Dev stress

Dev stress

It was a short week due to the holiday last Mondayโ€ฆ It sure didnโ€™t feel very short. My project at work isnโ€™t going down without a fight. There have been a few more late nights and the dev team is wondering if this project will ever end. The lead coders are tired of fixing silly bugs from the client. Things that could have, and should have, been addressed weeks ago. There have been various problems as this was our first Brew project. Iโ€™m hoping to drop mobile development and move onto handheld and console development. It pays waaaay better per project and is much easier to define device limitations. Hopefullyโ€ฆ

Ireland is looming over the horizon. We leave June 4th. It will be my first trip to Europe. Ireland sounds like it will be a lot of fun. There is tons of history, the island looks beautiful and weโ€™ll have a local to steer us in the right direction as we adventure across the island.

This weekend disappeared in a hurry. We are trying to get the front walkway redone. It is a mess. We spent a chunk of Saturday running around looking at various stones that we could use. No solution yet. We are also looking at drapery but *of course* the only fabric we have found we like is rather expensiveโ€ฆ Bah. Today we spent most of the day doing Vizsla stuff with some friends. We also got in a little shopping. Costco is evil.

A special congratulations to my buddy Pat who is now engaged to his long time girlfriend Jennifer. Life long and prosper.

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