Lone wolf at the Market
Mother’s Day was yesterday – so we planned to visit my Mom on Saturday. Bdot has been dealing with an ear infection all week. She can really only hear out of one ear. When it started it was incredibly painful. While the pain has primarily past, the blockage has not… it may take a few weeks to clear. Ugh. So in spite of the situation, we still went down to Niagara. The plan was to go to The Handmade Market held at the 13th Street Winery. It was a beautiful day for it! I dressed for much cooler weather and became pretty hot under the blazing Sun. The market was pretty cool. The winery transformed to entertain thousands of people. First though, food. I was very interested in hitting the food trucks. We settled on Dobro Jesti and shared a Za Dilla and Za Oh YA You chicken schnitzel sandwich. I thought they were pretty good. In retrospect, I probably would have gone with the “double chicken” option. The vendors were interesting. All sorts of handmade items. Bdot made out well – falling in love with a necklace. We also found some yummy cinnamon honey and dill relish that had to come home with us.

Market signage.

The popular Inn on the Twenty
After the market, we ventured over to Jordan. Ha. I lived in Niagara for over two decades but never visited Jordan. What a cute little town. There were clothing shops, wine shops, yarn store… etc.. Barb found an incredible dress which she had to have that made her look like a million bucks. It was a nice afternoon wandering around shops with Mom.

Niagara Vines

One of the great vistas along the trail. Tanga…. STAY!
Yesterday we did a monstrous hike on HVHT from Glasgow Road to the Emil Kolb Parkway… I set a new top step count on my Fitbit of 19,002 for the day! Phew! The area by overpass at Emil Kolb Parkway is a bit confusing. There isn’t a trail indicator from the road to where we came off the HVHT. Additionally, trails seem to fork off all over. I followed one trail up a hill to where someone seemed to have been destroying an old photocopier and the trail seemed to just – end. Odd. I know it is a work in progress, and I’m sure it will be better marked in the future. The new sections are significantly wider trails. The new sections we found were really muddy however. Still… it is wonderful having these trail options in our backyard.
We started watched 13 Reasons Why on Netflix. It is pretty gripping. We are only a few “tapes” into it…