...a place to bury thoughts

KEXP – a great EXPerience

February 22, 2004 @ 09:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

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whatcha watching?

whatcha watching?

Periodically I’ve been having a wonderful problem with my computer where it would ‘spontaneously reboot’ during a game or while working. Not good. It makes the geeky among us very angry, it would be like a prize dog at a dog show leaking on a judge. Bad, bad. So ~ something ~ had to be causing this… Back when I got the computer from ***computer grin> I noticed that the power supply clearly had ‘Pentium 4’ labelled on it. Well… my computer is an AMD XP Athlon… I know AMD is picky about power supplies, they have to be AMD certified… well… I didn’t say anything at the time (since it I had already been there complaining about something else with the computer) so I gave them the benefit of my doubt, figuring it could be a dual chip supported power supply.

Ha. Well it wasn’t. After running Asus probe I found the CPU was actually rather cool, the case however was very warm. Odd. So I took the case off and it was obvious where all the heat was coming from. The power supply was giving off some nasty heat… the back was nearly too hot to touch. Joy. So I ripped it out and replaced it. Lo and behold. It has not spontaneously rebooted since. Further to my dismay I found the lack of power to the Hard Drive has created many bad blocks… Gah. The moral of the story kids? It it worth the extra $20 bucks to get a good power supply for your computer.

In other news… I get to see B. tonight after being apart all week. Funny it seems like much longer to me.

Five whatcha watching?

1. What was the last song you heard?
Dude, Where is my country audio book by Michael Moore… (highly recommended…) How can Dubya still be in office?

2. What were the last two movies you saw?
Goldfinger and a documentary on the Beach BoyZ

3. What were the last three things you purchased?
Hard Drive, Groceries, AK-47 Fully automatic with an adapted silencer

4. What four things do you need to do this weekend?
Make sweet monkey love with B., get to Toronto, play ball hockey, likely drive B. to VIARAIL…

5. Who are the last five people you talked to?
Neighbour, B., Dad, Mother, Jenn

How not to play hockey

I’m a big hockey fan. I like the NHL (GO SABRES!), Olympic hockey (GO CANADA!) and playing some pick up ball hockey on the weekends… so when I saw Todd Bertuzzi, Vancouver’s big ‘power forward’, who weighs in at 245lbs, driving someone’s head into the ice after intentionally sucker punching him from behind, it really makes me wonder about the direction the game I love is taking. I have no doubt he will be suspended the rest of the season, maybe even playoffs, and possibly even face criminal charges, and yet I wonder if it will be enough. I have not seen such a vulgar act in hockey. It was so blatant and intent on injuring. I’m aware of the sticking up for the team idea and usually agree with it, but not this this brutal end. At least fight face to face. The NHL has a lot to think about in the forthcoming post season: Possible rule changes, salary caps, 1 referee or 2, remove the blue line, red line, goal line… I hope they think long and hard about the sport and do what is best for hockey… so they incidents like this won’t happen again. shakes his head.

I’m a big hockey fan. I like the NHL (GO SABRES!), Olympic hockey (GO CANADA!) and playing some pick up ball hockey on the weekends… so when I saw Todd Bertuzzi, Vancouver’s big ‘power forward’, who weighs in at 245lbs, driving someone’s head into the ice after intentionally sucker punching him from behind, it really makes me wonder about the direction the game I love is taking. I have no doubt he will be suspended the rest of the season, maybe even playoffs, and possibly even face criminal charges, and yet I wonder if it will be enough. I have not seen such a vulgar act in hockey. It was so blatant and intent on injuring. I’m aware of the sticking up for the team idea and usually agree with it, but not this this brutal end. At least fight face to face. The NHL has a lot to think about in the forthcoming post season: Possible rule changes, salary caps, 1 referee or 2, remove the blue line, red line, goal line… I hope they think long and hard about the sport and do what is best for hockey… so they incidents like this won’t happen again. shakes his head

In other news… Happy belated 11th month anniversary hon.. I also managed to kill another hard drive. Hard drives of the world FEAR ME! Fortunately there is a technological improvement called Serial ATA which is gaining popularity and should stem my murderous tendencies.

In other news… Happy belated 11th month anniversary hon.. I also managed to kill another hard drive. Hard drives of the world FEAR ME! Fortunately there is a technological improvement called Serial ATA which is gaining popularity and should stem my murderous tendencies.

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