Canadians send lego into space
I feel drawn to the nerdy story about the two Canadian high school students that launched a legoman into space. Space. Lego. Canada. Nerdy. I’m there. Some of the video footage is remarkable. (It already has half a million hits too…!) Makes playing with mentos and diet coke seem embarrassing by comparison. *smirk* Congrats guys, very cool stuff!
Whoa. Friday already… Another week in the books. My weekend is full of wedding stuff (ironically typed weeding… Hmmm….hello Freud?). We have a trip to the florist and meeting a officiant planned. Flowers I get. Pick the colours, pick flowers you think are groovy but a bow on them… magic… But what do you ask an officiant? I guess we are looking for a personality type that meshes well with us… We aren’t looking for anything religious or any long winded speeches about love and blah blah… so I guess there will be some boxes that have to be checked. Should be interesting.
I’ve ordered a case for the tablet that isn’t ordered. I’m getting pretty anxious to get it… with all the wedding money flying out of the account however, I’ve had to wait patiently for this piece of tech. I think my tech patience is running out however…
I was excited when I saw snow in the forecast for the next five days… Sadly this morning the temperature rose, so the snow has become freezing rain instead. BAH. Really started to wonder if we will ski at all this year. Sigh…