...a place to bury thoughts

the space between us

April 28, 2003 @ 10:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

APTBT, bdot, Family, relationship, food

got Kayak?

got Kayak?

Updated the Digital Cam section with a trip to Ikea! hehe.. added a few more Round Lake pics as well (and a few more will be coming as well…)

I wish I could be there for you B..

Update: dcam section is gone.


It has become less about what we are doing and much more about simply being together. Thanks for a great weekend B.. I wish I wasn’t so tired and could truly articulate how wicked you make me feel. Anyways… more later. Zzzzzzz… It is later. A great weekend indeed. I’ve always wanted a canoe… but after perusing Swift’s Kayak sale this weekend… I’m not so sure. Kayaks are sleek and fast…seem very durable. But, sadly, they are much more expensive that I had though…a decent starter being around $1,200. 😦 One day perhaps. Also made it to IKEA (photos to be added to the DCAM page soon…) and had a crazy time testing bed…er… shopping with B. Strange how good company can make the mundane and commonplace enjoyable. And I was treated with a chocolate UBER-YUM dessert just before I left. Mmmmmm chocolate.

I also met B.’s sister and husband (& their son). They seem like a fun duo. I look forward to getting to know them better. Some days I wish there were more hours in the day. So many things we wanted to do, but gettings to them seemed less important since the purpose was simply to be together. Gawd, this is turning into a glam-rock ballad, . But the big smile on my face tells me something here is right.

Oh my!

Could someone check and see if me FINALLY winning something with Tim Hortons (just a cookie, but hey…) is one of the signs of the apocalypse? Just curious.

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