...a place to bury thoughts

Soggy Spring

April 3, 2018 @ 08:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, hiking, sabres, TFC, Sibling, Spring

New for Spring

New for Spring

Yeah, the past week hasn’t had great weather. We wanted to change the hottub water – but it has been raining or too cold, or both. :/ Still… we braved the mud and forced the dog to hike a few times. The usual hike was at Palgrave. It was great to see the caretakers of the trails have updated many of the wood walkways… they are a welcome sight. We did a longer hike this weekend in Terra Cotta. It was Maplefest there, although we were just there to hike. We managed to find a decent loop starting off Winston Churchill road.

Got my gaiters!

Got my gaiters!

It was muddy at times but overall a decent hike. I was admittedly bagged at the end. I got around 14k steps.

My buddy who is recovering from a stroke actually got released for Easter weekend. I have not heard how that when but, the fact he is allowed out at all, to me, means there must be some progress. I know physically he is making considerable progress. I was a little shocked to get an e-mail from him yesterday. It just said, “Hi.” I’ve also had a few WordwithFriends moves from him, but they seem very sporadic. I may try to see him this weekend.

Thank gawd this Sabres season is nearly done. They are a gong show. Mercifully there are just three games left. A few games ago they showed Botts in the pressbox looking downtrodden. I can’t imagine what he is thinking. *Every* aspect of the team needs work. The powerplay, offence, defence, goalies… I bet he is wondering WTF he got himself into. All in for Dahlin! Although the NHL would never let a #1 pick come to Buffalo it seems.

Whoa… TFC won their first leg against Club América 3-1. It looked like a miserable, cold, rainy night at BMO field… Pretty impressive win. Especially after the América’s coach’s disrespectful comments: “Our league doesn’t compete with the #MLS. Our league competes with European leagues and #MLS is trying to catch up to us.” Ha. Sure looked like it. *snort*



My sister shared her interesting digital cycling info with me… They race at home, on real bikes, virtually, against each other! It is totally legit. There is a whole esport around it. Incredible. The races are also commentated live! Go Velocity Vixens!


So the Sabres lost tonight against the Sens. Thus, guaranteeing they will finish LAST AGAIN. Three out of the last four seasons. (Technically now that there are 31 teams, this could be considered the worst team ever?) Silver lining… they will have the best shot (a measly 18.5%) at the best pick Dahlin. But – I can’t see it happening because Buffalo.

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