...a place to bury thoughts

Skiing, friends and a new belief

February 22, 2011 @ 11:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, friends, home, Mono Nordic Ski Club

Mono trail

Mono trail

The house was a bustling with activity Sunday afternoon. Captain and family, my parents and KK stopped in for a visit. My parents only stayed for a short while. They will be heading South for a month and wanted to say goodbye as they were heading home from my sister’s. It has been awhile since I’ve seen Captain and his baby daughter. ‘APJP’ seemed to enjoy the dog, me, not so much – which I guess is understandable. -smirk- KK brought over a guitar amp and him and Captain brought the Rock. I think Captain might be getting his own e-kit soon! KK left the amp for me to play around with, thanks! B. made her killer burgers for dinner. Yum. The evening we had a few drinks and chilled out watching the Heritage classic. (Well, the guys were watching it.) Wow, were the Flames uniforms ugly! As bad as some of the vintage Canucks outfits. It was a fun evening. While we were chilling downstairs outside there was a bit of snow storm. Regrettably Captain had a brutal drive home. I do appreciate him driving up to Caledon. Sadly B. got news of the passing of a family member. She will be away later in the week for a funeral back in Killaloe. 😦

Sunday we drove up to Orangeville to try the Mono Nordic Ski Club’s trails. Skiing was free due to the Family Day holiday, so there were a lot of people at the club. The trails however, weren’t congested at all. The trail guide was good, the trail marking was not. Numerous times we would come out to a T-junction and have no idea where to go to stay on our level of trail. The more popular trails were in better shape than the less used trails. We tried the ‘yellow’ intermediate trail and it was a challenging and rewarding ski. The only fall I had was on the biggest downhill of the day. B. is now a downhill specialist and rocked the killer hill. Overall an enjoyable outing. We are thinking about memberships there next year. After getting home I walked the dog which made for very heavy legs afterward. While I was out B. made a delicious Guinness Beef stew. Yum. We settled in for the evening and watched a strange episode of House.

Terry Pegula is now the owner of the Buffalo Sabres! It was a moving and exciting press conference today for a Sabres’ fan…Emotional when ‘Terry’ referred to Sabres’ legend Gilbert Perreault. Exciting when he said he wants to bring Cups to Buffalo (…and within three years!). He is going to try and accomplish this with the game GM & Coach. I’m sceptical of this. Especially the GM…time will tell. Regardless… it feels like the Sabres have entered a new era. I’m eager to see where Terry can take the team! ‘Winning is not a goal, it is a belief.’ Huzzahhhhh!

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