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Boyz weekend at Sibbald Point

August 8, 2006 @ 07:08 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

friends, vacation, Captain, Joeyicus, nIVEK

Sibbald Point

Sibbald Point

What a great weekend. It was โ€˜the boysโ€™ camping weekend, this year we went to Sibbald Point. The weather couldnโ€™t be better. Warm during the day, warm during the night. The site was awesome there were tall mature trees surrounding it. Six of us ended up going: Nivek, JJ, Captain, Ding and Chris. I heard about Absinthe some time ago and figured this would be a good time to try it. Absinthe was interesting. Not what I was expecting. Iโ€™d describe it as a combination of Zambuca, Scope and Tequila with a massive kick. We dropping flaming sugar into the drinks. The more you drank the better it gotโ€ฆ the bottom of the drink was much better than the top. Or were my senses merely more acquainted? Not bad. NOt sure Iโ€™d get it again at $80 a bottle. No hallucination eitherโ€ฆ likely have to drink a lot, but wouldnโ€™t that happen with any booze to some extent?

We kept busy during the weekend. Sibbald is clearly a popular location well known for its beaches. There were line ups of several kilometers to get into the park for day-passes. The beaches were fairly nice and extensive, there were several thousand people on them easily. The water was murky but not too weedy. We played volleyball quite a bit in the water. Other sports included a nasty game of hockey on the site lot, soccer and volleyball on the beach court as well. The evenings we primarily for fires and drinking. We were pretty tame I figure. Everyone is well past the โ€˜woohoo! Iโ€™m so drunk stageโ€˜.

Nivekโ€™s soccer ball exploded after being left in the sun. Pretty odd. We dubbed him Wilson and sacrificed him to the fire Gods. Many things were sacrificed to the fire Gods. On the second day we found a guy that sells hardwood just down the road from the park. What a difference it hardwood makes, it is well worth the drive. I found it odd not to see any raccoon, squirrelโ€ฆno little land animals at all. And very few mosquitoes.

It was an egg-cellent time.

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