...a place to bury thoughts

Season ending shutout

June 21, 2011 @ 06:06 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

caledon, hockey

I arrived at home this evening to numerous cops and an ambulance at one of the neighbours across the street. I had no idea what was going on. I assumed since it was the party house with the troublesome teenagers, that it was drug related. It wasnโ€™t. Bdot found out that the woman that lived there died. We never really met them as they kept to themselves. Apparently she was diabetic. Sad to witness.

The ball hockey regular season ended tonight. We went into the game winless on the season. Wellโ€ฆ in spite of once again having only two subs, we pulled out a win! 2-0! It was nice to see our goalie pitch a SO. Heโ€™s been shelled all season and has kept a great attitude. I donโ€™t understand why youโ€™d shell out $200 bucks to no show. Bah. Hopefully this doesnโ€™t continue into the playoffs. We are a longshot at best, but if we can get proper subs I think weโ€™d be more competitive. A soak in epsom salt was awesome. I donโ€™t what is in there but I sure feel better.

First day of summer was a nice one too. Warm, sunnyโ€ฆ Would have been a great day to stay home and chill in the backyard. Chill. No yardwork.

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