...a place to bury thoughts

scuttled comments

September 24, 2002 @ 10:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

APTBT, health, music, sports, outdoors

Splat goes the ball

Splat goes the ball

alrighty. the quick comment that was only on the main page has been scuttled. it has been replaced by a trim quick comment form which is at the bottom of every page with a footer. the intent is to increase feedback.

update: this is ages ago. (Dec. 2013)

allergies! Let it snow

AhhHHhhhrrrrGGggggGgg!.,… allergies. Let it snow, let it snow… let it snow!

Al said what?

oh yeah. finally added ministry to the lyrics section. don’t ask me why this didn’t happen sooner. bah. thanks to Afra for the lyrics source. Gawd knows it must have been fun figuring out what Al was saying…’connect the gawd damn doooooooooooooooots!…’

Update: lyrics are no longer hosted on unsung (Dec. 2013)

Barkley quote

I was at my parents today, naturally Golf was on… Tiger Woods was dominating… It reminded me of that great quote from Charles Barkley paraphased, “You know the world’s screwed up when the best golfer is black, and the best rapper is white.” I think that is a great quote. ha!

Splat goes the ball

Saturday started with what I thought, was going to be a great game of Splatball. So, I was playing, getting my testosterone fix and having a decent time…. I wear glasses. To play splatball you must wear a mask. No biggy. So I’m playing my mask is fogging my glasses are slipping. POOF! shot.. go to the Dead Player Zone. Fine. I adjust my glasses (which due to sweat are sliding off my face) and to clean my mask out… when the pre-pubescent little Ref barks at me you’re out! I’m like what?? You’re out for the rest of the day… You lifted your mask off. I’m cleaning my glasses. Too bad, rules are rules he replied. And so ends my day out splatballing. Rules are fine. But sometimes HOW they are applied is absurd. So…I had to sit there the rest of the day while my other friends played. Did I mention I paid for this? Good for business methinks.. I won’t return there.


Update: This still pisses me off… (Dec. 2013)

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