...a place to bury thoughts

The front runner

May 23, 2005 @ 08:05 am ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

food, pets

Hey Miss Pink

Hey Miss Pink

We visited the puppies in London again. It is coming down to the wire. We will be bringing the puppy home in two weeks. We have decided to get a female. There are many reasons. But I just found the males to be too big. Surprisingly the breeder told us which puppy she was *tentatively* thinking she would place with us. Meet Miss Pink. She is a bundle of energy and enjoyed chasing me all over the backyard and playing with the other puppies, afterwards she was content to cuddle on my lap and rest. B. and I both like this puppy. Really the whole litter is exceptional IMHO, there isnโ€™t a bad puppy regardless which one we end up with.

We treated ourselves to Eastside (Pizzaeria) again on the way out of London. The service was pretty slow this time and the food didnโ€™t seem as special as the first visit. Nothing like the first time I guess.

It was horrible coming home on the 401. We witnessed a cat dart out onto the highway. It realized something was wrong and tried to get back. I donโ€™t think it made it back to shoulder. It makes me sick just thinking about it. It is rare to see cats come that close to a highway. One of 10092129128834 reasons my cats are never outside unsupervised.

The rest of the weekend has been a blur of gardening, garden centers, flowers, laundry and TV. We added another garden bed. Now there is new bed on both sides of the backyard. We got a bunch of bright flowers, hopefully they will like their new home.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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