...a place to bury thoughts

That Round Lake Air

June 28, 2003 @ 09:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, food, outdoors, pets, vacation, Round Lake

speeding ticket

speeding ticket

June 28, 2003, 11:10 pm Central Time
We arrived at Round Lake mostly not killing each other on the long drive up. -smirk- We rented two Kayak’s from Berry’s Bay Outfitters, a Paluski Lake Explorer and Wilderness Systems Venture. We could only bring -sigh- one kayak on the first trip, so we brought the Explorer. It is a fiberglass smooth, stable little craft that holds its course well. I enjoy the Explorer… Both B. and I however were not impressed with the Venture. It seems to have its own idea of where it wanted to go and does not track well at all. Disappointing to say the least. Once we got off the water… we talked for quite awhile (more deep personal mushy Blue stuff… rewarding.) Later, we pounded down some delicious Lime Flavoured Nacho chip.. Damn good! Highly recommended! The Evening closed with some XBox and B. wandering around in the Sims burning her dinner and electrocuting herself. Heh.

June 29, 2003, 11:11 pm Central Time
GAWD DAMN BLACKFLIES!!! THE Scourge of hell doth be small and silent! Those little blood-sucking vampire pests from the bowels of hell…err….-grumble- -expletives removed- Anyways… It was a great day with B., her company has been superb. We toured around the artisan shops in Barry’s Bay and Grumbling Grannies in Wilno. Some wonderful stuff… I’d like to return when I’ve got more coin to spend. Had some great Polish food at The Wilno Tavern. MMM MMM! Soul Food! We also picked up the other Kayak. Looking forward to a longer Kayak tour tomorrow…

July 1, 2003, 11:12 pm Central Time
We packed a lot into our last full day on Round Lake. We tried to suck in as much of that ‘Round Lake air’ as we could. We had a long kayak trip down Beyer Creek. Really cool… the kind of stuff I want to do with a kayak. The ride back was a little rough however…winds started kicking up (the tiny ship was tossed if not for courage fearless crew the Minnow would be lost…) and a storm was blowing in. We were both very tired by the end of it…We lazed around a few hours then decided to head into Wilno with her uncle Joe for Open Jazz night at the Wilno Tavern. The band was quite good and played numerous recognizable standards and popular tunes. After a few hours the place was standing room only and was too packed for my slightly claustrophobic tastes. Something odd has been going on with Jiggs. B. is taking him in to see her Vet today, I hope he is fine.

July 2, 2003, 11:13 pm Central Time
Massive ride home. Made a few stops before leaving the area. B. returned something to Grumblin’ Grandies (a curious little shop in the area with odd little artifacts and crafty stuff…) when I got home I noticed that B. has picked up a carving I had been eyeing in the store. It is a carving of a man with his hand on his chin thinking. Now when I look at it I’ll be thinking of you B. thanks for your thoughtfulness. –grin- After dropping off, the crappy kayak and still wondering WhereTF the other foam Kayak block was, we were finally on our way. We stopped briefly in Peterborough to see my folks. What a wonderful holiday, as with all holidays and time with B. it was too short… I’d like to return one day and spend more time on Round Lake, maybe AFTER blackfly season.

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