...a place to bury thoughts


November 18, 2007 @ 06:11 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Meme, remi, work

My creepy cat.

My creepy cat.


Mutterings Week 250 :
Toasty :: Fire
Allegations :: Lies
Herb :: and butter
Bacon :: mmmmmm, Bacon.
Neck to neck :: race
Simon :: Paul
Heels :: boots
Fundamentals :: laws
Middle :: finger
Seasonings :: salt

And yet another 14 hour day passes byโ€ฆ I get home, exhausted, again, but my mind is still reeling spinning like a gear in an old watch. I need a diversion, any diversionโ€ฆ so Iโ€™ve done a few edits to unsung and done some mindless surfing. I found a co-workers website after googling him. He said he kept a blog, I was curious what he wrote. It is mostly media reflections, nothing personal. I was thinking about him since he was away today at a funeral. His uncle had passed away. I wish him well.

I guess Iโ€™m also still awake because Iโ€™m worried about the stupid project at work and how we are going to be ready to ship the game in three weeks. Most of the team has been worked to death and may, or have, burnt out. I know feel like ass. Morale is low and regardless if it my job or not, I donโ€™t feel like rallying anyone. Iโ€™m too tired, too frustrated and too disinterested to care like I should. Iโ€™m hearing the frustration from my co-workers as well as they complain about other co-workers and their โ€˜inability to get their tasks doneโ€™. What do I do? Stand over them? Watch them type? These are professionals? Get your shit done! Bah. Iโ€™m so looking forward to aborting this project. It has been my Albatross for weeks nowโ€ฆ and now I just want the bird to die.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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