...a place to bury thoughts


August 29, 2011 @ 08:08 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

food, health, weather, Kev and Suz, Spirit Tree Cidery

Yummy. Ribs.

Yummy. Ribs.

Hurricane Irene was the big news this weekend since it was on a collision course for New York city. Fortunately by the time it reached the U.S.โ€™ largest city was downgraded below a category 1โ€ฆ that said, there was still flooding and damage, but it could have been much worse. Crazy weather. Bring me snow any day. OMG ragweed is brutal right now. Once again I pray for ragweed to die! die! die! die ! die! die! die!

Saturday morning starting with bdot celebrating another birthday. I setup her BD card and a small secondary gift on the kitchen counter for her to see when she got up. Post 35 birthdays start to lose their lustre. Regardless, happy birthday hon. We had planned to meet up with Kev & Suz for dinner in the evening. By early afternoon we were on our way over. We stopped briefly at Spirit Tree Cidery for some baked goods, cider and a quick bite. We picked up what we thought was a peach cobbler, it turned out to be an apple cobbler. Now Iโ€™d happily eat both, but Kev is more particular about desserts and would have preferred the peachโ€ฆ sooo, that was a little disappointing. Not really though coz the cobbler ended up coming home with us and I enjoyed a big piece last night as wellโ€ฆ *smirk* We hung out and talked most of the afternoon. K&S have a great way to make us feel at home at their place. I donโ€™t feel like a guest, which is greatโ€ฆ they seem to be relaxed and themselves. Dinner was Guelphโ€™s Ribfest. Mmmm Ribs. Iโ€™ve been to a few Ribfest so Iโ€™m starting to recognize the vendors. *grin* I settled on a full rack from Boss Hog. Bdot picked up a pulled pork sandwich. Kev also got ribsโ€ฆ he seemed reluctant to go to Ribfest, but was the first one done his ribs. I sampled bdotโ€™s pulled pork sandwichโ€ฆ damnโ€ฆ it was delicious. I love ribsโ€ฆ but Iโ€™d actually consider getting pulled-pork next time. Great, fattening eating. After polishing off the full rack of ribs I passed on the blooming onion. The onion would certainly have meant cardiac arrest. We hung out for awhile after we ate. The crowds were full of curious people. We contemplated driving home, but we were both tired and had few drinks, so we decided to crash in K&Sโ€™ guest room.

Eat at Boss Hog!

Eat at Boss Hog!

I slept in a bit Sunday but really didnโ€™t feel well rested. Iโ€™m not sure why. Maybe the bed or not being at home? A strong felling of fatigue lingered with me the entire day. It could be the anti-allergy meds I guess or allergies themselves. Iโ€™m not sure, but I felt I could fall asleep at any moment the entire afternoon if I lied down. Weird. We stopped at Chapters in Guelph for about half an hour on the way home. Not having a Chapters in Bolton means stopping at one is now a bit of a treat, so we did. Being away all day Saturday we had to catch up housework Sunday. The divide and conquer routine seems to work best when housework has piled up. I started dinner & laundry and bdot got groceries. The rest of the day/evening was primarily housework, dinner and laundry. I had grand visions of getting to some yardwork, but it didnโ€™t happen. Chilled out before bed with a little W2, it is still wildly enjoyable.

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