...a place to bury thoughts

nothing to report captain

August 5, 2003 @ 05:08 pm 🔗 Post Link

relationship, work, Mer, bdot, Meme

bestest gf this side of the Milky Way

bestest gf this side of the Milky Way

Back to work… a ho-hum day. Did a little running around after work. My car clock now works! Guaranteed for 3 years. hmm.

Had a short visit from the ex. Her life is clearly still a box of chocolates… :/ Anyways… not much to say today.

System of a great weekend

Huh… What a wonderful weekend with B.. From the visit with her family to the visit with mine (in Peterborough) and everything on either side and in between. Great company, great conversation, great fun, great laughs…

Two days to 4 months… 4 unbelievable months. Four months that have made me think thoughts I didn’t think I ever would… I actually laugh again… go figure. Thanks. You are #1, and the bestest gf this side of the Milky Way.

Morning Five

1. What time do you wake up on weekday mornings?
Varies usually 7:40 something

2. Do you sleep in on the weekends? How late?
Yes I do. Depends since I’m usually w/ the gf. We love our weekend snuggle time… so 11, 12, 1 -blush-

3. Aside from waking up, what is the first thing you do in the morning?
Varies. Sometimes check e-mail. If with the gf… Well -grin- Hunt down my cat.

4. How long does it take to get ready for your day?
20-25 minutes w/ shower. Sometimes longer I’m SOOOOO not a morning person.

5. When possible, what is your favorite place to go for breakfast?
Flapjack’s or Flips with bdot…anywhere with bdot. mmm bdot.

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