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Regina Spek-tacular!

October 12, 2007 @ 10:10 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Media, Music Regina Spektor

If I kissed you where it hurtsโ€ฆ.

If I kissed you where it hurtsโ€ฆ.

Regina Spek-tacular! I wasnโ€™t sure what to expect prior to last nightโ€™s Regina Spektor show at the Kool Haus in downtown Toronto. Her album stuff sound like it was recorded with a full bandโ€ฆ so I was expecting a band to accompany her on stage. I was surprised to see her solo the entire evening. Just Regina, a chair, a piano and a guitar. It was an all ages show, so there were plenty of screaming little girls. *I so prefer 19+ shows* The underagers did however, provide a lot of energy and enthusiasm. At times this passion seemed to touch Regina making her pause at admire the love from the crowd. *awwwwwwwโ€ฆ*

I was very impressed with the talented Regina Spektor. Reginaโ€™s combination of catchy piano melodies and strong vocals and voices made her sound fill the concert hall. The crowd seemed to love her. During any momentary silence there would be numerous shouts from the crowd, โ€˜I love you Regina!โ€™. It was nice to she her sincerity on stage. She seemed to really be taken aback by the love from the crowd at times. She played all her โ€˜singlesโ€™. I recognized most of the material she played. She had the opening artist on-stage with her for Hotel Song, he beat-boxed while she sang. It was awesome to watch. You can tell Regina loves entertaining and enjoyed sharing the stage with her co-worker. A great show. Iโ€™m happy to have discovered Spektor, she is an impressive talent.

Bdot: Thanks for fighting traffic to enjoy the show with me.

Darth Vader being a dick : (video no longer available.) Very funny! ๐Ÿ™‚ Awesome editing.

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