...a place to bury thoughts

Redhat 8.0

December 9, 2002 @ 10:12 pm 🔗 Post Link

linux, relationship, Buffalo Sabres

go bury the hatchet’

go bury the hatchet’

after a successful install of Redhat 8. yes linux is in the house. I found that Macromedia has not made a Linux Flash MX player yet… So, basically users with linux have not been able to view my site. Who knew! So I’m going to try and save the flash files so they are compatible with Flash Player 5 (which Linux has…) Phew.

Otherwise I’m very happy with RH8!

blah, what the…

A slow moving weekend for sure which was exacerbated by having a little tiff with the gf. It really is kind of funny how easily two people can disassociate with each other. One minute happy-happy the next several hours silence and I’m on one floor of the house she is on another. Eventually it just becomes funny. Two adults ignoring each other but too stubborn to apologize. Gee, I wonder why the divorce rate is so high?

Without saying many words to each other we cleaned the kitchen, emptied the dishwasher and prepared dinner. I’m sure I cracked a smile a few times. What is the point of this… Well clearly life is too short. A wonderfully trite but true expression. I think I’ll go bury the hatchet’; err, ‘go make up, clear the air. Why not, the local hardware store has already rented out all their wood chippers. (Fargo?) J/K. Time is too precious to waste sulking in the basement.

at least…diversions

Well the Sabres were able to string two wins together. yes a small victory perhaps, but for a 5-14 season it is an accomplishment.

Played a little IceWind Dale II. What are you playing? Recommend something. I was thinking of checking out Ages of mythology… Downloading Red Hat Linux 8 (why don’t you? it IS free… try here) I’m downloading the third cd now. More on this later. Where is my mind?

Update: Redhat link still works. Huh. I’ve moved onto Ubuntu however. (Dec. 2013)

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