...a place to bury thoughts

Rally time!

February 18, 2008 @ 10:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

hockey, tanga



Early Saturday B. and I ventured to Hamilton for B. to compete in a Rally trial with Bolanga. It was interesting. The handler has to guide their dog through a series of stages. Each stage the dog has to do somethingโ€ฆ sit, heel, jump, downโ€ฆ etc. The event is scored out of one hundred. You need to score at least 70 for a pass. Day one of the trials Bolanga-Manga scored 90 and 92. Day two she scored 97 (2nd place) and 98 (1st place). Bolanga earned her Rally Novice title. Yaa! RN. Congrats to B. and dog.

We have Ellie (Brian and Marnieโ€™s dog) for a week. She is younger and still has some undesirable habits such as the ear piercing screaming and barking at movements outside of the house. Gah. Overall however, she hasnโ€™t been too bad. We took them to the Fairgrounds to run around Saturday evening. We had snowshoes, otherwise we wouldnโ€™t have been able to move. There was tons of snow thereโ€ฆ

Hockey was pretty brutal Sunday afternoonโ€ฆ We lost most of the one on one battles and were constantly out hustled by the other team. I thought I played ok but only managed 1A. Iโ€™d love to know that my +/- is โ€ฆ too bad the stats are kept in a few half hearted manner. My stats that are online are off by several points. *shrug*

Also unsung was down for at least 12 hours due to some sort of updates at the Server. That seems like a ridiculously long time for some updatesโ€ฆ ๐Ÿ˜›

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