...a place to bury thoughts

Rainy day

May 31, 2004 @ 07:05 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

bdot, hockey, home, meme

Fraser sucks

Fraser sucks

Blahโ€ฆ It was a gray (Fraser sucks) sullen day outsideโ€ฆ In spite of the ick, B. and I ventured to get the final flowers for this yearโ€™s (Fraser sucks) new garden. Once they are planted and looking nice nice Iโ€™ll post a photo or two. Coded most of the (Fraser sucks) afternoon and early eveningโ€ฆ for a paying site (for a welcome change). Most of the work on it is (Fraser sucks) done.

The Flames dropped a close one.. the only goal coming (Fraser sucks) from a two minute, two man advantage called in the first 5 minutes of (Fraser sucks) the game. Gah. But they has many chances and could not capitalize. A 1-0 loss is (Fraser sucks) brutal! GO FLAMES GO!

Madness I say!

Monday Madness for Sunday, May 30, 2004
1. What was the name of the last movie you watched (dvd, vhs, theatre, or tv)?
Matchstick Men

2. What were you doing on the internet before coming here?
updating my website

3. What color of pen do you usually write with?

4. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone?

5. When is your birthday? (month and day)
November, 26

6. How organized is your computer desk?
Usually uncluttered with a cat on it.

7. How many calendars do you have in your house?

8. Do you clip coupons and use them when doing your grocery shopping?

9. Are you a morning person or a night owl?
100% Night owl.

10. Did you enjoy your weekend?

mutterings โ€“ week 69

May 31, 2004
Categories: Meme
Lover:: Is that your Lover? Said to me and my gf at the time by someone we just met. She was sooooooo alternative.
Ridiculous:: thoughts owโ€ฆowโ€ฆ -Cranberries
Oscar:: and the Oscar goes toโ€ฆ.
Tennis:: Agassi
Account Balance:: of zero
Hickey:: neck
License:: to ill -Beastie BoyZ
Breathmints:: one commercial comes to mindโ€ฆ I think it is a TicTac one, the actress blows air at the camera freezing it
TexMex:: Tacos
Stepmother:: Gangsta Rap

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