...a place to bury thoughts

Raining Goals

June 25, 2018 @ 10:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

Biking, linux, sports, Mother!, SNES Classic, World Cup



Bdot went home this weekend – so I was bacheloring it all weekend. Sadly it rained most of the weekend, so I didn’t get any hiking in. So it was a quiet weekend of World Cup and running a few errands. I finally went to EB Games to pick up a Super NES Classic. It is really small. The UI is pretty decent. I’ve only played a few games but they are fun. Strangely there is NO UI to control audio. So there doesn’t appear to be a way to escape the dreadful looping audio in the RPGs. *eyeroll*

We spent hours trying to find a way to stream video for Bdot’s parents from OneDrive on an iPad to Chromecast. We couldn’t find a way to do it. We did learn the file format works best if it is .MP4 (you can rename .MPV to .MP4). The only option was to stream file on the iPad in .MP4 format after installing OneDrive. *shrug* Better than nothing I guess.

For a few brief moments. There was peace between the animals.

For a few brief moments. There was peace between the animals.

I’ve been watching the majority of the World Cup in my Mancave. I thought I had a good setup. I’ve been using Linux Mint to stream games to a TV through Chrome. Unfortunately, it has recently been a gong show. I have streaming issues all the time. The video craps out, glitches, the screen goes black etc. etc. It is beyond annoying when watching live sports. (it is the OS – since I have the same issues in Firefox and Chromium) So regrettably, I’ve switched back to Windows 10. I continue trying to use Linux as a daily driver and it always lets me down. There is ALWAYS SOMETHING that makes me switch back. Sigh. So far, Windows is flawless.

After another disappointing effort – Poland are out. At least Germany won.

Watched Mother! this weekend. What a headtrip. More of a long allegory than a movie with a plot. Really bizarre film. Great acting. I had to google the film to understand what the hell was going on. Once the allegory is explained the movie makes a bit more sense. Likely not for everyone. I found it entertaining and confusing.

The Sabres have officially drafted Dahlin and didn’t resign Lehner – so next season is already looking up.

It looks like TFC have quit. Yesterday’s effort was embarrassing. ⭐⭐⭐½

Steam’s Summer Sale is on! Strangely I’m not finding my games I’m interested in. Not that I’m flushed with funds anyway. When I went to EB if they didn’t have any SNES I would have converted the EB Gift Cards I had to Steam dollars. I don’t know why I didn’t think to do that earlier. I’ve had the cards since Christmas. *snort*

For a few brief moments. There was peace between the animals.

For a few brief moments. There was peace between the animals.

Bdot and I did a first ever weeknight bike ride last night. We hit a few Mountain Bike trails in Palgrave. It was quite exhilarating. There are trails in there we have never seen. It may become habit forming.

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