...a place to bury thoughts

Quiet Weekend

March 27, 2017 @ 09:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

hockey, Netflix, Buffalo Sabres

LOL. Leafs,

LOL. Leafs,

It was a pretty quiet weekend. It rained off and on throughout the weekend so a longer hike didn’t happen. A lot of time was spent in the kitchen preparing food for the week. We also made pizza Saturday night.

We watched a ton of Downton Abbey. It is curious how they abuse certain characters. Season three was starting to feel like Game of Thrones.

Sabres had a pretty crap season this year. But they still managed to send the thousands of Leaf fan home with their tails between their legs Saturday night. It was a beautiful thing. I love seeing Jack cop some attitude at the Leaf hordes. Great stuff.

Last Leaf

Last Leaf

In our local park (it is behind our house) there are a bunch of trees. This looked to be the final leaf still holding on. I wonder how long it will hang on. Hmm.

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