...a place to bury thoughts

A Quiet American

February 26, 2002 @ 07:02 pm 🔗 Post Link

movies, politics, meme, A Quiet American

Quiet. Right.

Quiet. Right.

B. and rented A Quiet American (an oxymoron if I’ve ever heard one :P) starring Michael Caine, Brendan Fraser and Do Thi Hai Yen. It wasn’t bad. I enjoyed the historical angle… It made me want to read about the French occupation of Vietnam. Which lead to more reading on Vietnam which led me to read about a Buddhist monk who burned himself alive in protest during that time. (you may recognize the famous photo from the Rage Against the Machine self titled album cover…’) The burning monk on the cover is Thich Quang Duc immolating himself on a main intersection in Saigon, Vietnam on June 11, 1963 to protest the rule of Ngo Dinh Diem, the American backed leader of Vietnam who was leading an anti – Buddhist campaign in southern Vietnam. The photo won the Pulitzer prize in 1963.’

Certainly very interesting history. The Americans exerting their ‘influence’ around the world with big gun diplomacy. Amazingly – it continues to this day unabated. I think one day I will catalogue all the wonderful things the U.S. has done in the name of ‘insert catch phrase here’ worldwide. I’m sure it will be remarkable. ⭐⭐⭐¾

Last time you…

When was the last time you…

1. …went to the doctor?
Years ago… and only to get a physical I needed for a license.

2. …went to the dentist?
Ha. Maybe a decade?

3. …filled your gas tank?
Last Thursday I believe.

4. …got enough sleep?
Can ever really get enough sleep?

5. …backed up your computer?
Ha. Yesterday. (Geekalicious)

the shitz

The Middle East is crazy. Every other day there is a car bombing, suicide bomber, war, death, death and more death… Now factions unhappy with the liberation? of Iraq, who fear the future have resorted to drastic means. They have kidnapped a bunch of private citizens whose nations support the occupation in Iraq. Are these dumbasses aware that in most of the nations that did support the occupation, that the population in many cases did not? I certainly agree with the sign holder… everything involving the Middle East is certainly the shitz.

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