...a place to bury thoughts

PSP…on the web?

June 17, 2006 @ 09:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

geeky and tech, work



Yes, after some puttering I finally got my PSP on the web. Basically I had to disable the WEP key (it isn’t fun entering a 26 digit code on a PSP!) and add my PSP MAC address to my router config… then Voila… magically I’ve got google on my PSP. It is interesting that it shows the full page and makes you scroll to see it all… sadly (hehe) unsung.net crashed the PSP. I don’t think my firmware version (2.01) supports Flash… so it likely died as a result. Pretty cool. Just needs a keyboard… the data entry process on the PSP is painful and highly inefficient.

Worked late tonight… Another project is on the go. I guess since it has gone public I can mention I worked on one of the games based on the coming-to-a-theatre-near-you Superman Returns. The current project should is getting busy and will only intensify over the next few weeks. Phew.

Should be a busy weekend. At some point we’ll be going down to Niagara to see my parents. Tomorrow we have the Vizsla Fun Day. And in the evening… the Oilers try and tie up the Stanley Cup Finals…GO OIL!

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