...a place to bury thoughts

Playoffs have started!

April 23, 2006 @ 07:04 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

hockey, Family, pets



Ahh yes that wonderful time of the year. No not Christmas, NHL playoffs. It has been a few years since the Sabres made it so Iโ€™m really enjoying this year and this yearโ€™s team. It was a tight game v. the Flyers last night. At times the Sabres defensive play was sloppy and they looked (ironically) to be the slower team. They did have a ton of offense however, firing 50+ shots at Esche who stoned the Sabres numerous times. Take the win and wait for Monday. Go Sabres!

Bummer to see the Oiler lose in OT. The Habs are killing me! Iโ€™ve got tons of Hurricanes in the pool. Gah! They better bounce back.

My parents came up to watch the Sabres game last night. They still wonโ€™t spend any money to get cable. Bah. It is overpriced, especially when you get premium hockey stations added. But I enjoy it so, Iโ€™ll pay for it. It is a lot less then driving to Buffalo.

Meeting my sister and Brother in law in Mansfield today. She is, once again, having computer problems so Iโ€™m meeting them have way to pick it up. Service with a smile. Looks pretty miserable out. B. is out at a pre-training run with the dog. Tanga has become a good little fetching machine. This is interestingโ€ฆ there was a time she wouldnโ€™t even pick up anything in her mouth. Dogs are funny animals.

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