...a place to bury thoughts

Pixies Reunion???!!

September 15, 2003 @ 08:09 pm 🔗 Post Link

music, pixies, Ottawa, bdot

We didn't. Maybe one day.

We didn't. Maybe one day.

Pixies Reunion???

Frank Black leaves the door open:
He told London radio station XFM: “I do dream about the Pixies reunion I do have to say.”

It is easy to sit and think if they do tour it is another reunion cash-in… and it would be of course… BUT for the many many fans – such as myself – that love this band and got into them WITHOUT having had the chance to see them live prior to their split – this is pretty remarkable news…I’m so there. Just let me know where Frank.

Go Sens Go!

A very long but rewarding weekend with B.. We ventured up to the nation’s capital to ‘check it out’… I’m kicking (we are kicking) around the notion of relocating… and Ottawa is a front runner.

We enjoy walking around various parts of the city in the limited time we had. Essentially we got to a few blocks around (the very average) Aristocrat hotel, including parts of Bank, Elgin, Cooper – the Byward market area and a little of the Rideau Canal around Landsdowne park and the surrounding Glebe area. All the areas were great with nicely aged orange brick houses, we were both quite impressed with Ottawa… and know there is much much more to explore. Saturday we ventured off East of Ottawa to visit B.’s dog breeder (for Nova Scotia Duck Tollers) and spend most of the day with her breeders’ husband (Steve) and their two lovely dogs Chinook and Lark. Yes I just used lovely and dogs in the same sentence. WHAT IS WRONG WITH MEGG!!Gg… -ahem- Anyways. Her breeder was nice enough to take us out for dinner that night… Kudos for the lovely hospitality we received. Sunday we did a quick spin around a Flea market and a short walk along the Rideau… too bad it was so sickly hot and time was so limited… I believe we both reluctantly decided we should get going home… There is more but, I’m rather tired, so this is all you get.

It was very odd. Both for the ride up and the ride back… the radio was never on. I don’t expect there to always be 5-6 hours worth of content to talk about… But sheesh… that is something else. Serious, funny, down right goofy conversations… but wonderful company always. Thanks B.. One of the jokes they kept us going… (after many hours in a car it seems anything can be funny… maybe it’s the freon? ) How come you can only eat 239 beans?? One more would make you too-fart-y (240) Yes you had to be there… –smirk-…

Anyways, as Arnold said, ‘I’ll be back’… I’ll be back to Ottawa. Quite possibly at some point to stay.

Canada’s capital….

Off to Ottawa with B. soon… Unfortunately she is having a nasty allergy day. 😦 Hopefully it won’t impact too negatively on her enjoyment of this weekend. Anyway. More later.

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