...a place to bury thoughts

WOW! B. picked a movie that didn’t suck!

May 30, 2004 @ 08:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, food, movies

A movie miracle!

A movie miracle!

B. and I have rented a lot of movies…. Unfortunately, when B. has picked the movies they have usually sucked. One we even turned off. Tonight however, she finally picked a movie we both enjoyed… Nicholas Cage to the rescue? She picked Matchstick Men. It is a movie about con artists. The movie started a little slow, but the characters, especially the character played by Cage, were very interesting… The movie has some interesting plot changes… It was a good Sunday night film. ⭐⭐⭐½

We spent the afternoon in the Kensington market section of Toronto. *Once we finally found a parking spot* we wandering around a very busy area…there were people everywhere… even an odd Chinese woman with a fiery sermon about Jesus being my Savior. It wasn’t surprising that no one appeared to be listening. After B. bought some yarn at Lettuce Knit we foraged for food. It seemed every other business in the area was a restaurant so it wasn’t hard. The first place we went into however was rather odd…The front was a bakery but there were people sitting down and eating in what looked like, a separate restaurant part of the same building. The food looked good so B. asked the cashier if it was a restaurant, if we could see a menu in English. She laughed, made a face, said ‘Ingrish??’ and looked all confused… Sigh. Won’t be eating there.

We did find a similar looking place on Spadina where the owners make a little more effort for their ‘White’ customers. Which led to the next problem… No forks. We had to eat with chopsticks. Now normally I find this pretty cool but today it seemed like a bit of a chore. Especially for the rice we ordered. It was pretty yum, albeit a little spicy. Funny how quickly the area clears out when the stores close… Maybe it is because all the freakers were coming out (such as the cretin yelling from his window…takes all kinds I suppose).

Oh, and we had Ice cream. mmm Ice cream.

Update: The chopstick link is now 404.

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