...a place to bury thoughts

The passing of time

January 16, 2017 @ 09:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, Family, friends, OA, Star Wars, Star Wars – Rogue One



We’ve been trying to get to Star Wars: Rogue One for awhile now. Yesterday we finally went! I like that the Star Wars franchise is filling in some of the background with these ‘side stories’. For non-Star Wars fans they can be enjoyed as a one off action film, fans will of course find more meaning. I enjoyed Rogue One. It was full of action and interesting characters. The characters didn’t grab as well as characters “from the real movies” but they were still engaging. The action sequences were excellent. There were brief scenes with some major characters as well like Darth Vader and Princess Leia. I’d certainly watch the other Star Wars’ stories.

Saturday was busy. I entertained the idea of visiting my Mother but ran out of time. I was down in Niagara for a Celebration of Life for Captain’s Father in Law who passed suddenly. The hall was packed and unfortunately I couldn’t stay in the area as it was also Bdot’s Christmas event that evening. It is always a sad event to attend but it does feel good to offer some comfort to friends that are grieving. I can certainly appreciate the pain from losing a Father. It was also great to have a little visit with MikeMike and see Pat’s parents. It really was unfortunate I had to rush down and rush back to the GTA. That said the work Christmas party was a good event. It was held at Cirillo’s in Etobicoke. It is a unique evening where you actively participate in making dinner. I got stuck with peeling potatoes. Yawn. The meal was however, excellent. Dinner was bacon wrapped Beef Tenderloin which was one of the nicest cuts of meat I think I’ve ever had. It was a noticeably smaller group for the party than I recall in the past. Still those in attendance seemed to make the best of it. We drove one of Barb’s contractors Jens to the party. An interesting, curious fellow. On the drive home he said he was not feeling well so we had to stop twice for him to get some air. He ended being okay fortunately. A fun night.

Bdot and I busted thought the strange Netflix series OA. It took a few episodes to get going but once the story was established it was pretty engaging. The season ended with a major cliffhanger. I don’t know if there will be another season or not.

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