...a place to bury thoughts

panic on the streets of St.Catharines

June 18, 2003 @ 10:06 pm 🔗 Post Link

health, home, APTBT, meme

Oh dear...

Oh dear...

Creepy. Yesterday my Dad was bondo’ing the car. Well, he wasn’t using gloves and got some of the bondo/glue mix of death on his hands… It adheres and solidifies…we had no Thinner so I (in a half panic) had to boot off and get some. I don’t think i’ve traveled that route so fast in my life…

I must have doubled the posted limits in areas. So… I finally find some at Zellers and of course get stuck with one lazy ass slow cashier open and a bunch of people in front on a Sunday stroll. UGH. Anyways… I booted it home, and thank gawd the Thinner removed the chemical (and a layer of skin in many areas…ick). What a freak out. He said hurry before it hardens. The only time I’ve ever not wanted to hear those words….

unsung.dyndns.org is alive! :D

Colorhost successfully updated unsung.dyndns.org (aliased) so it functions as it did before… the lovely referers are returning! Colorhost should hold a course and teach other Web Host how to do their job.

Updated: Domain no longer functional.

unsung updated

PHEW. Updated the lyrics section and made a bunch of minor changes here and there…. More forthcoming. Now sleep.


1. If there was a national holiday in your honor, what day would it be and what would it be called?
The unsung day of Rest. All those under appreciated looked-over, stepped-on, stepped-over and utterly insulted. This day is for you.

2. If you could give your current home a name, what would it be and why?
2 weeks to being *homeless*… it would be called “HERS”. 😦

3. When is the last time you cleaned out your “junk drawer?” What kinds of things do you find in it and ask yourself, “WHY did I ever save this???”
Don’t clean it if I do have it…

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