...a place to bury thoughts

WOWโ€ฆ Outside is so big!

March 19, 2006 @ 10:03 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Sabres, Tanga

Get off my lawn!

Get off my lawn!

After being cooped up for the better part of the last two weeks at work it was nice to get outside yesterday. It was another โ€˜dogโ€™ day. We drove to Guelph to meet some of Tangaโ€™s littermates. My sister and BIL brought their new puppy Wiley along as well. We walked for about two hours. It was clear and sunny but hardly warm. The wind was nasty cold. We went back to Suzanne and Kevinโ€™s (one of the dog ownerโ€™s homeโ€™s who live in Guelph) and sat around and talked for awhile. The whole time the dogs played: chasing, running, biting, wrestling, tugging, following, climbing, etc.. Tanga slept well last night.

I was pretty disappointed with the Sabresโ€™ effort last night against the Sens. I *thought* this was going to be a big game. Hopefully the lackadaisical, half-ass effort giving by some of the players can be eliminated before the playoffs start. I donโ€™t mind losing to a better team. I mind losing due to mistakes, turn-overs and players playing without heart. In the big picture this in minor but it would have been nice to see an effort in line with playing the best team in the league.

โšฌ โšฌ โšฌ ๐Ÿ‡ช ๐Ÿ‡ณ ๐Ÿ‡ฉ โšฌ


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