...a place to bury thoughts

0h n0 dOOdZ!

April 23, 2004 @ 10:04 pm 🔗 Post Link

www, health



“…The U.S. Department of Justice has launched its most comprehensive attack to date on software, music and movie piracy, conducting more than 100 raids in 10 countries and seizing scores of computers.

Operation Fastlink, as the push is known, involved 120 searches in 27 states as well as nine other countries, ranging from Northern Ireland and Germany to Singapore and Israel. Authorities said the computers and servers they confiscated contain nearly US$50 million worth of illegally copied intellectual property.

Although no arrests were immediately announced, the DOJ said it has identified nearly 100 individuals who it believes are “the leaders or high-level members of various international piracy organizations” trading in so-called “warez.”

Among the groups targeted are Fairlight, Kalisto, Echelon, Class and Project X. The DoJ said its efforts likely will cause some of the groups to crumble, while in other cases its actions will “seriously impact illicit operations.”

“Intellectual property theft is a global problem that hurts economies around the world,” U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft said in announcing the raids. “To be effective, we must respond globally.”…’

From an ecommercetimes.com article. Curious indeed…

Round two of the playoffs are off to a great start… The Flames picked up a great opening win against the Wings…. and the Flyers beat the Loafs. I watched the games with Captain who shared some great news… Apparently his gf has decided to move in. I hope it works out well for him… he deserves a break.

Updated: Wow. The ecommercetimes link still works. (Nov. 2013)

Nmmmmm Nmm nmmmmm

I couldn’t resist a re-post of a psuedo how-to guide for Cunnilingus which I found at TheGoFish.

Surely this will make the world a better place….Feel free to add your own possible titles for this entry, such as…”Awww fish again?!”, What was that honey? You want me to… what?

Update: Sadly guide link is gonzo and GoFish looks broken. Removed.

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