...a place to bury thoughts

Nordic again

March 10, 2019 @ 07:03 pm 🔗 Post Link

caledon, Buffalo sabres, Winter, Bumblebee, Caledon’s Curry and Cocktail, Ski, Skiing

Another lovely day to ski!

Bdot started looking at skis last weekend in Toronto at MEC. That continued this week, where she got a killer deal at Caledon Cycling. We went skiing yesterday at Mono Nordic. It was part of a long day of running around. It was certainly a beautiful day to ski. Bdot likes her new skis. They are slimmer and shorter than her last part. I gave them a quick whirl. I thought they were good, I feel more nimble with them.

After skiing we indulged in some Indian from Caledon’s Curry and Cocktail. We ordered, what should have been, two meals worth of food. But, it was sooooooo good we ate like it was Thanksgiving. We were so…full… the Chettinadu is phenomenal. It is pretty pricy, and the portions remain (imho) pretty small, but, wow, such flavour!

Ball hockey was fun as usual. We have a great group on our team. We lose a lot. We are unstructured and it seems, unless we blow a team away, or get outstanding goaltending, we lose by several goals. I played okay. Some good plays some bad. Bdot took a whack on the hand while trying to stop a shot in the crease. She seems better today.

Just when you thought the Sabres’ season couldn’t derail any further… Ha, Jack got suspended two games for an illegal check to the head. Yeah, it looked bad, but what gets me is the arbitrary enforcement of the suspensions. Unreal. More losses at this point, at least, would underscore the need to get rid of Housley. I’ve lost any support for him. The team looks like they have stopped playing for him.

My Mom is home from Mexico. She had a good time. It was however, very hot, some days she said she didn’t feel like doing much due to the excessive (around 100 degree) heat. Understandable.

Tonight – after taking turns destroying the kitchen – we relaxed and watched Bumblebee. It was good. It was clearly directed to be PG – so it didn’t have much edge, at all. But the effects were good and it was solid brainless entertainment. ⭐⭐⭐½

School is going to get busy. I have my major assignment and will be at school to make up classes so… blog entries may become scarce.

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