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February 4, 2024 @ 05:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Ball Hockey, hockey, Canada, St.Louis, Nimona, Home, NHL

That is quite a lineup

That is quite a lineup

If you read this blog, you probably know that I love international sports, especially hockey. So... I'm pretty excited that NHL players (considered the best in the sport) are returning to the Winter Olympics. Yes, finally, after a long absence Bettman (BOOOOO!) is allowing players to compete for their nations at the Olympics. I'm sure looking forward to some great hockey!

Another good night for the Heroes

Another good night for the Heroes

More hockey! These games however have much less at stake. Ball hockey was back on Friday. We sure seem to have a pattern. Start out really slow... get behind by a number of goals... then slowly, just take over the game. That is what happened again. We played really well, once we got going...I played two games again, helping the red team to a rare win for them. They seemed to enjoy finally having some success which I played only a small part in.

Nimona - what a character

Nimona - what a character

Wow... Nimona. This is a pretty special animated movie. It tackles a lot of pretty heavy issues and it entertains. The lead character is a shape-shifting, ostracized pink demon who has been booted from every social interaction in her life merely for being different. At it's core it is a sad commentary on the reality many face in society. People are mean and suck. Reflecting she says it is sad that "...everyone in this kingdom wants to run a sword through my heart... or that sometimes, I just wanna let 'em". Ouch. Yes there is the over-the-top character of Nimona, plenty of action as she bonds with her one friend... but there is real substance here too... The animation is remarkable, as is the art. Check out this incredible site showcasing the art for the movie. We are in a time where some animated films are telling stories well above their expectations and succeeding wildly. Nimona is certainly one of them. โญโญโญโญยฝ Oh and gay male lead characters! Surely to be banned in the Red States! ๐Ÿ™„

I'll pass. From the Walking Dead

I'll pass. From the Walking Dead

Such a great series.

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