...a place to bury thoughts

Weekend in Niagara

February 23, 2009 @ 06:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

friends, Xbox Gaming



Drove down to Niagara Saturday afternoon. B. was having a โ€˜girls weekendโ€™ so I wanted to get out of dodge. Apparently B. had a really good time and even bowed to the porcelain God. *smirk* I stopped first at my parents for a short visit. The visit turned into a Tech visit. I spent most of the time firewalling and installing AV protection on my parents computer. They did need to be protected. I also got some videos working from some of my Dadโ€™s golf trips. The videos were actually well done! It was good to see my parents, they dumped a bunch of my โ€˜old crapโ€™ on me to take when I left. Ughโ€ฆ

In the evening I connected with some buddies, Pat and Joe. We met at Patโ€™s where we spent most of the evening. We when out for about an hour as Pat took part in a Big Brotherโ€™s activity. When we got back we played a bunch of 360 games and rented a Lord of the Rings game. The LOTR game was a bust. Are there any good 360 multiplayers games that are NOT splitscreen??! Ugh. We certainly couldnโ€™t find one. It was fun to hang out with my buddies, we really need to do that more often.

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