...a place to bury thoughts

Musing in Muskoka

July 27, 2015 @ 11:07 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, food, Buffalo Sabres, Honey Harbour, Sister

Muskoka Sunset

Muskoka Sunset

Bdot and I were lucky to get a night away at her sister’s cottage during the weekend. It was hot. High 30s. Weather you don’t feel like doing anything at all in. What you can do however is find some water and get in it. So we did. As our sunburns will testify we spent most of the weekend on the shoreline, dock and in the water. It was really relaxing. Well, relaxing until I foolishly decided to jump into the lake with my glasses on. I guess I thought if I’d jump in back first I’d be okay. I wasn’t. They flew off and sunk to the murky fog of the lake. It wasn’t too deep, maybe 5 feet. But the visibility on the bottom was practically zero.

Glasses have always been an issue for me. I avoided them as long as I could in high school (to my detriment). But University changed that. By the end of University I proudly wore them as a badge of nerdom. I even removed the lenses so I could get my University photo done with them on. But I wear them for a reason. I need them. I’m VERY nearsighted. Without them I feel VERY vulnerable and helpless. I can’t really see beyond a meter from my face. So when my glasses sunk to the bottom of the lake it was pretty upsetting. One minute I’m chilling the next I’ve lost the tool that helps me see. Bill tried a few passes with a mask but didn’t them. I felt pretty helpless. I mean… I need my glasses to find my glasses. I tried in vain to dive down and feel around for them. Not only did I NOT find them but I just made the water visibility worse. It is hard to do nothing. But ultimately it was part of the solution. We avoided the area and let water clear. Then the-wife-of-the-year had a great idea. She floated on a water raft and hung off it and looked down into the water. This kept the water clearer for the search and lo and behold after three of four dives she found them!

PHEW. I can still feel the anxiety release. Sure I have another older pair of glasses at home. But the prescription in them is a few years old and frankly my glasses are not cheap. Not to mention I’d eventually get headaches etc. etc. So it was a godsend she found them. Wife of the year indeed.

Once my sight was restored I was able to relax for a few hours before we left. As always, it was a fun weekend with her sister. We watched Smokey and the Bandit before bed, dinner was ribs and wings and we enjoyed a good share of wobbly pops. Sunday was spent almost entirely on the water. By mid-afternoon some of Bill’s family arrived and joined us on the water. There couldn’t have been a better place to be than soaking in cool water under the blazing Summer Sun.

Dinner was down the road at my sister’s. My mom was already there. By the time we arrived we were starving. I guess with the day’s drama we forgot to eat? Hmmpt. We continued to eat well! JP BBQed corn and sausage. It was my first cobs of corn this year. They were so sweet and delicious! There was also tons of dessert… my hunger was smashed unequivocally. it was a good visit at my sister’s. It has been a while since we have been there.

Ted Black replaced by Russ Brandon as Sabres president. I’m not sure what I think of that. I liked Ted. He (or whomever) replied when I e-mailed him once.

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