...a place to bury thoughts

Murder most foul

February 27, 2009 @ 08:02 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

movies, remi, Iffy, The Changeling

The Changeling

The Changeling

Gawd it was cold walking the dog today. It seemed like there was a major temperature drop. Brrrrr! The dog didnโ€™t seem to notice. She has been full of energy since the snow stopped falling and started to melt.

We stayed in tonight and watch one of the Oscar movies The Changeling staring Angelina Jolie. Angelina was actually quite good in the movie, worth of an Oscar nomination. It was a very interesting story. Wellโ€ฆ it was really two stories. First it was a story about a missing boy, then developed into a story also about a serial murderer. Iโ€™ve never heard of the Wineville murders but they were brutal. Apparently Gordon Stewart Northcott picked up young boys and brought them to his farm where he murdered them. The Changeling was the story of one of those boys who when missing and was presumably murdered at the farm. It was a good film. The historical angle was interesting. โญโญโญยฝ It takes movies like this to remind us that humanity has progressed a lot in 70 yearsโ€ฆ

The Sabres are making it difficult on themselves to make the playoffs this year. They have dropped to the final playoff spot. Every point is now important. Iโ€™m sure the difference between some team making the playoffs and not making the playoffs could be 1 or 2 points this year.

Remicat is now on a diet of wet food. Wet food is gross. I hate everything about it. It smells, it is messy and it takes her 5x longer to eat it. We have to supervise her eating because the wet food is a novelty desired by both the dog and the other catโ€ฆ Meh.

This is awesome. Thanks Jenn. LOLโ€ฆ

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