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Happy Mud Day!

August 29, 2017 @ 07:08 pm 🔗 Post Link

bdot, outdoors, Game of Thrones, Ghost in the Shell, Mud Hero

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday!

The card had 10 reasons but there are so many more. Happy Birthday bdot! We enjoyed a lovely BBQed steak dinner together. 🙂

Post-race muddy legs and shoes.

Post-race muddy legs and shoes.

It was a notable birthday for bdot and she wanted to do something special to remember it. She chose to run Mud Hero. She ran the race with some locals she knows from the gym and work. I went to see the spectacle and take some photos. It was a cool event. It is basically a muddy hike with a series of obstacles. Most of the obstacles were pretty easy to get through, but the killer obstacle was certainly the Avalanche. It looks like a skateboarder’s half pipe cut in half with ropes to help climb up. The pipe was made of particle board which was slippery with muddy, wet shoes. So if you lost momentum and didn’t get far enough up the wall, you had to climb up with the rope. Most people couldn’t do it. I watched a lot of battle of wills that the Avalanche ended up winning. Despite a good effort bdot was also defeated by the wall. It was a warm, perfect day for the race. I’m thinking I may try it next year.

Game of Thrones season finale

Game of Thrones season finale


So the wall came down in dramatic fashion and the undead army was pouring into the North lands as the Season ended. The undead dragon breathing frost fire was a crazy game changer. The Wall that was to protect them fell in minutes. Damn! The kingdoms of the living (not surprisingly) didn’t unite against the dead. Will that be the downfall for everyone? We’ll have lots of time to ponder, Season 8 will be a while…There were a lot of little things foreshadowed. Glad to see creepy Little Finger finally get his comeuppance.

Don’t send a rabbit, to kill a fox….

Don’t send a rabbit, to kill a fox….

I read a lot of reviews for Ghost in the Shell saying how it was more flash over substance… and I agree to an extent, but I still think it deserved better than it got some the RT reviewers (44%). It was visually stunning and did ponder some of the question of what is human? Robot? ⭐⭐⭐¼

Cyborg? That said, the original anime was certainly better IMHO.

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