...a place to bury thoughts

Mud and merriment

May 13, 2013 @ 08:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

friends, weather

The mud in tough mudder

The mud in tough mudder

First off, I want to say Happy Mother’s Day to my Mother. Not everyone is lucky to have a mother who is such a wonderful and inspiration person. We’ve had many conversations about many things and her optimism and compassion always rise to the surface. It is inspiring and serves to remind me that I could be a better person. The accumulation of a million thoughtful acts is why I love my mother. Happy Mother’s Day Mom, you are always a beacon in my life.

Weekend? Huh? It flew by. We spent most of this weekend with our friends BBB and Buck and their family. Buck entered Tough Mudder with a few other friends and we thought it would be interesting to watch. It sure was. Tough Mudder is a race that is meant to break you down. There are more than 20 obstacles and 25k of mud and hills to trek through. There was so much mud and mud soup. To make this run even worse, the morning started off single digit cold. Nothing like pushing yourself to extremes AND having your body shivering to keep warm. There were certainly people you did not finish the event and others who skipped various obstacles. Witnessing people overcoming fear was awesome to watch. I recall one mudder standing at the top of 20ft platform overlooking a pool of water. She was freaking out and on the verge of tears. But with her team mates help she overcame her fear and jumped. The human element of cooperation and team was incredible to see. The will of the human spirit to push and overcome was evident everywhere. The team we watched did great! All of them finished the event, most exhausted with some minor injuries but pumped and immediately saying how much fun it was and that they would do it again next year in a heartbeat.

The queue to climb

The queue to climb

It was a pretty well run event. The only down side was the long bus ride to and from the event. Otherwise it was great. The staff and volunteers were spot on, helping and pushing the mudders to succeed. I’m toying with the idea of doing it next year if Buck and Jessica (who I know from the team) decide to do it again. It was messy and exhausting but what a trip it would be to finish it. We shall see.

Oh yes, there was mud

Oh yes, there was mud

Saturday, post event, Buck and family stayed the night at our place. We settled on Thai for dinner which we made short work of. After dinner the men watched hockey and slowly fell asleep. Sunday got going early with Buck’s kids getting up with the sun. Bdot made a yummy breakfast then we all went to Ikea. Amazingly we didn’t buy anything. I’m not sure that means. Buck however did buy some stuff… while he was checking out Bdot and I went over to Golftown. Yes! After two decades of using the same junior set of golf clubs, I’m happy to have a spiffy new set of Adams clubs!. I’ve been saving gift cards from Christmas and birthdays for two years to get the clubs. A special thank you to my parents and bdot, while it may not improve my golfing, I’m hoping it will make golfing more enjoyable. After more shopping we were all getting pretty hungry. Bdot knows the area of Vaughan we were in quite well, as it is close to her office so she suggested Kyoto. Zounds. We ordered a disturbing amount of food. I was certain we would be charged extra for ordering dishes we couldn’t finish. But wow…. we polished off nearly everything, and it was delicious. We all kept eating and eating. I felt like I swallowed a bowling ball for the rest of the evening. Ugh….

At this point we went our separate ways. The typically bizarre Ontario weather continued… it hailed, rained then was sunny. *eyeroll* We made a stop to look at a hanging light bdot found for the foyer but a discounted chair caught our eye. To complete the ‘fireplace room’ we planned on getting two comfortable armchairs but we haven’t found what we were looking for. The plan was originally was to get leather armchairs but they would be really expensive. Well… the chair we came across was the right colour, comfortable, cheap and aesthetically what we were looking for. The store has two unopened at the warehouse so after some deliberation… we bought them! We are still thinking about the light. Bdot meets with a designer tomorrow, hopefully she can provide some badly needed design clarity for our upcoming reno. The rest of the evening was groceries and hockey. I can’t believe the Leafs forced a game seven. I’m not sure what will happen tonight in Boston. It will be an incredible game for sure. Who will be the hero?

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