...a place to bury thoughts

Happy Mother’s Day

May 12, 2014 @ 10:05 pm 🔗 Post Link

Family, food, hiking, outdoors, pets, remi, beer, Game of Thrones, Humber Valley Heritage Trial

The aforementioned troublesome cake.

The aforementioned troublesome cake.

It was a busy weekend! Especially for bdot. She had a bunch of girls over Friday night. The only one I knew was BonnieBonBon. They stayed overnight, then Saturday morning went to shop at St.Jacob’s Farmers Market. I’ve been calling it her Lesbian Weekend away. So the house was a hub of activity Friday. I hid in the basement, coming out only for food. *smirk* The bunch left around 11AM on Saturday. I had to get remicat to the Vet. Which she loves. *eyeroll* Her weight is up slightly so that was mildly encouraging. The visit was for a blood sample to check her numbers. Fun.

Later in the afternoon, since it was warm and not raining, I took the dog for hike on the HVHT off Castlederg Side Road. Finally warmth! It was clear after walking for 15m that I should have worn shorts. Phew… This is certainly one of my favourite sections of the trail. Ever kilometer the trees and landscape change dramatically. The dog loves it. Weird… the dog was running ahead, as she always does. She suddenly stopped and lunged at the ground, then I heard a small animal screaming. I still don’t know exactly which stupid animal was grabbed but it was certainly unhappy. I guess it was either a small rabbit or a muskrat. Thank gawd she listens. She dropped it on command before she was bit or scratched. That could have been a mess. *deep sigh* Anyway, the rest of the walk was enjoyably uneventful. I didn’t see a single person either. Hmm. I stopped to pickup Riverside Grill Fish and Chips for dinner. Yummers. There was potential plans to meet up with Nivek but I was actually pretty tired so I opted to chill at home and watch hockey. There were two exciting games, unfortunately both teams I’m rooting for (the Habs and Kings) lost. Ha. I’ve jumped from dead last in the hockey pool to solidly in second place I’m now only a few points out of first. Whee! Go Kings!

Yummy. Cranberries are served.

Yummy. Cranberries are served.

I’m still enjoying playing Child of Light (PS4). Every new section reveals more beautiful art. It seems I can share screen-shots and video directly to Facebook or twitter; but so far I can’t figure out how to download the images directly. Hmm.

Sunday was Mother’s day. Bdot got home in the early afternoon. I was running around a bit in the morning. I picked up another replacement bulb for the Vibe. They seem to be lasting about year then the low beam dies. I’m sure I’ve replaced about four of them. Hmmmpt. I also picked up a elbow strap for my tennis elbow. Joy. I guess it helps a bit. Sunday afternoon we were hosting dinner for my parents, sister and BiL. Bdot ordered a cake earlier in the week and I picked it up. So here is where the fun cake story begins. When I got to the bakery the store was empty. No staff anywhere. I waited a few minutes then finally a clerk showed up. I told them my name. No cake with that name. Since I didn’t order it, I had no idea what was written on it or what it was, other than it was Mocha flavoured. Well… they couldn’t find the cake but had one that had ‘Happy Mother’s Day’ on it and they assumed that was ours. Was it paid for? Again. I don’t know. She assumed it was. Fine. Well… after talking with bdot, she said the cake was not paid for. So she went to the bakery to pay for it. Not only was it not paid for but it wasn’t our cake. So the cake that I was carting around Bolton went back to the bakery and it was determined that our cake was never actually make. *Joy* So the bakery offered bdot another cake. Which obviously wasn’t the cake we wanted. They didn’t charge us however. Free cake! *shrug* It was a ultimately a decent cake, but clearly we would have preferred what we had ordered. Hmmpt.

Tulips soaking up some Sun

Tulips soaking up some Sun

Sunday afternoon was beautiful. Sunny and warm, as if Mother nature knew it was Mother’s day and didn’t want to disappoint. The ‘Women’ enjoyed the new patio area by the hot-tub but baked in the sun. The plan is to add a shade structure at some point over the hot-tub. The ‘Men’ stayed inside. I helped JP dismantle a shelf which he was taking, we then watched some golf and some premiership soccer. The ‘Men’ and bdot cleared the basement fridge of an assortment of old beers. One of which was a very interesting brew from Nickel Brook, their Reserve Cuvée (2013). Dinner was turkey, stuffing and potatoes. Yes… my mother brought it. But she wanted to clear the bird out of her freezer… So. *shrug* I enjoyed dinner. Everyone certainly had their fill… the cake put everyone into gut-busting fat pants territory. Since it was Sunday everyone left shortly after dinner. It was great to see everyone and acknowledge Mother’s Day and my sister’s birthday.

Reserve Cuvée (2013)

Reserve Cuvée (2013)

Had physio this morning. Good lord. Got stuck (haha) with multiple acupuncture needles in leg and Nickelback came on the radio, so I could not escape. How very horribly Monday began.

Damn. Peter Dinklage was awesome on last night’s Game of Thrones episode.

Oh and LOLZ that the Leafs are shopping Phaneuf after signing him to a $50M multi-year contract.

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