...a place to bury thoughts

Good bye 2010.

January 3, 2011 @ 11:01 pm 🔗 Post Link

Canada, hockey, Kev and Suz

Canada with a convincing 4-1 win!

Canada with a convincing 4-1 win!

Good bye 2010. Reflecting back it was an okay year. The job as it is was good… I guess for a NFP it is a decent place to work. If it was closer I’d be very happy… but it isn’t…So we’ll see what 2011 brings. Relationships are relationships…ups, downs… I think we are in a good place looking forward into 2011.

We spent New Year’s Eve in Guelph with Kev & Suz again. This year was pretty low-key. About ten or so people just hanging out with a few drinks… Midnight came and went with barely any recognition. *shrug*

Our wonderful snow has all melted and been replaced by frozen mud. Joy. We were both looking forward to skiing and snowshoeing… this has been put on hold. Ho-hum. We’ve already taken down one Christmas tree since it hardly feels festive anymore looking at patchy green and browns instead of shimmering whites.

Canadian Juniors made it to the semis – with a big game tonight against the U.S.. GO CANADA!

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