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At least Mogwai was good

April 27, 2011 @ 07:04 pm ๐Ÿ”— Post Link

Buffalo Sabres, Mogwai

Hopefully a stepping stone not a step backโ€ฆ

Hopefully a stepping stone not a step backโ€ฆ

I figured game six was the Sabres shot at winning the series. Regrettably I was right. I had a ticket for a concert tonight I order well before the playoffs. I thought about ditching the show and watching game seven, Iโ€™m very glad I didnโ€™t. The Sabres laid an egg and the concert was amazing. It was obvious the Cryers stars were better than ours. โ€ฆand once again the Briere trade bites the Sabres in the ass. Briere proving he would have been worth every cent. Bah. Considering the season overall Iโ€™m pretty happyโ€ฆ but this no-show game seven is still a bitter pill to swallow. Sigh.

I like Mike Grier. Iโ€™m not sure heโ€™ll be back next year as a Sabre. Buffalo News had a good read about him after game 7 loss. Quote from Grier : โ€˜Tough one to swallow,โ€™ Grier said. โ€˜I donโ€™t know if Iโ€™ve played on a team that Iโ€™ve been more proud of. It would have been easy for the group to go the other way and get selfish. The guys stuck together and dug in. The coaching staff did a good job keeping us together. As a group, Iโ€™m proud. They played as hard as they could all year.โ€™ Quote from article : โ€˜Class act, Mike Grier.โ€™ Absolutely agree.

The concert was Old World Vultures and Mogwai. Iโ€™m exhausted and will elaborate tomorrow. Good night.

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